More Info

As stated, my name is Eber Moren and I am a novice artist and writer! I tend to work with my own characters the most, and currently do not take commissions. Perhaps I will one day.

Stories and Characters

Though I have never finished a story entirely, I mark down every idea I've ever had in a Discord Server to work on them as I find inspiration to do so. Of all of them, I work on three the most currently: a book-style writing about a celestial organization, the sixth revision of a high fantasy story, and a group of university students who also have magic.In case you couldn't tell, I like magic a lot lmaoAs for the characters, I have some of them marked down on ToyHouse (linked below). Descriptions of them and artworks will be there if you want to find out more about them, though I often forget to keep it up to date...The best way to learn about these stories due to their incomplete nature is just simply to ask me about them! Do note that all things are subject to change.

of a Novice

I mostly draw anthropomorphic characters, though I always wanted to learn to do other creatures and humans.For the time being, I tend to experiment with different styles and methods very often. While I'm sure they all look similar, consistency is also relatively rare amongst smaller details such as lighting.I'll show a few examples below!

All other things I do can be found on my socials, though Bluesky is the best if you're looking for just the artwork!

About Me

While I love to draw and write, I have other things I do as well!I am presently in my freshman year of university, on track towards studying as a pharmacy student! I also love to play various games, ranging from video games to things like Dungeons & Dragons (Or it's alternatives, such as Pathfinder).I've had an interest in a great many things, but never really got to pursue all of them. Some of the things I stopped doing were 3D modeling, guitar, clarinet (as part of the school band), various active sports, and video editing just to name a few. Some, like digital music production, I never managed to explore in the first place.I aspire to tell stories through my writing and artwork, providing entertainment for whoever may want for it as well as characters who can represent parts of life and our emotions many of us know well. Hopefully, someday you'll be able to find a story I've finished! But for now, I just come up with ideas and mark them down as I practice towards making a story worth reading about.Any other questions? Just contact me! I don't get many messages, so I'm almost certain I can respond. However, don't be weird. That should be a given. I have no obligation to reply!